4th Thematic Unit
The thematic unit "Special Issues of Strategy" provides the business executives with the necessary knowledge background for their further specialization in specific strategic issues between the following 2 course groups:
Group I
The content of the first group begins with the subsection "Strategic Management" which presents the practices and application of the principles of Strategic Management of companies and organizations in the public and private sector. The following items are covered:
- The factors that determine the 'optimal' size of a business
- Factors influencing the expansion of the business
- Evaluation, Selection and Implementation of Strategy
- Making Strategic Decisions
- Strategic Alliances in Greece and Abroad
- Preparation of a Business Plan
Then, the subsection "International Business Strategy" deals with the reasons why companies decide to internationalize, as well as the practices they follow in their internationalization process. It studies that the choice of entry strategies of Multinational companies, based on the corporate goals and the characteristics of the external environment and howthe strategies are adjusted over time to keep pace with the changes of the wider environment. The following items are covered:
Group II
The content of the second group begins with the subsection "Strategy of International Competitiveness of Companies & Nations" which deals with issues related to the strategic choices of companies and countries in the wider international environment and presents the indicators of competitiveness and the factors that contribute to its change. of relevant theories with particular emphasis on Investment. Finally, the changing architecture of international funding is analyzed and international and domestic funding sources and innovative funding tools for business and government development are presented. The following items are covered:
- International Competitiveness and its Measurement Indicators
- Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Theories
- The Changing Architecture of International Financing
- Domestic and International Sources of Financing
- Global Regional & National Funding Agencies
- Public-Private Partnerships and New Financing Tools
Then, the subsection "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" becomes an introduction to entrepreneurship, innovation and entrepreneurship practices are developed, and the systems and tools of innovation management and their dynamics are presented. Finally, the importance and impact of entrepreneurship and innovation for Europe and especially for Greece at the beginning of the 21st century are analyzed. The following items are covered:
1. Introduction to Technological Entrepreneurship
- Introduction – Definitions
- Types of entrepreneurship - Internal- / Micro- / Serial
- Entrepreneurship as a level for innovation: shaping new technological ventures and financing - case studies
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Practices
- Innovation Networks and Clusters of Knowledge Collaborations: Ways to Form and Develop High-Tech New Businesses and the Media
- Technological risk assessment and financing: angel capital, venture capital, venture capital, and public-private partnerships for economic development
- Innovation through entrepreneurship: critical success and failure factors learning through failure
3. The importance and implications of entrepreneurship and innovation for Europe and especially for Greece at the beginning of the 21st century
- Challenges and opportunities for developed, knowledge-based societies and economies
- Concepts of competition, competitiveness and competitive advantage and issues in a globalized world
- From product trading to knowledge-based target trading: global / local pocket and scope strategies
- Education, research and innovation: the three pillars for sustainable and equitable socio-economic prosperity and development
- Technological entrepreneurship: the broad balancer of socio-economic prosperity and the best open road for aging societies and mature economies
4. Introduction to the concept of technological innovation
- Introduction - Definitions (invention, creativity, innovation)
- Types of technological and non-technological innovation
- Technological change
5. Innovation as a management process
- Technology management & transfer
- Uncertainty and risk management in new technologies and markets
- Innovation process models
- Intellectual Property management
- Encouraging creativity and ingenuity - case studies
6. Innovation Management Tools
- The three M of innovation: metrics, measurements, and management
- Knowledge-driven innovation: The “mode 3” model of knowledge creation, dissemination and use
- Real choices as a means of achieving entrepreneurship and innovation
7. Innovation systems
- Basic principles of innovation systems
- System dynamics as a concept, tool and process
- Innovation systems: sectoral, regional, national - case studies
- Innovation systems and systems dynamics
Finally in the subsection "Development Financing Tools" is presentation of domestic and international business organizations and financing sources and modern financial tools for their development expansion. The following are covered:
- Main Strategies for the Expansion of Businesses and Organizations
- Reasons and Results of Expansion
- Problems and Financing of extensions
- Banking System and Financing of business expansion
- Leasing
- Business Claims Agencies (Factoring, Forfaiting)
- Venture Capital
- Innovative Development Financing Tools (Crowdfunding, etc)